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Friday, 17 June 2011

Wisdom from Chinese Proverbs *

但 将 冷 眼 看 螃 蟹
看 你 横 行 到 几 时

Keep a clear eye on the crab (wicked person)
and see how long it can run amuck.

当 时 若 不 登 高 望
谁 信 东 流 海 洋 深

If you do not climb high to get a distant view,
how can you appreciate the magnificence of
the rivers flowing eastward into the sea?

从 俭 入 奢 易
从 奢 入 俭 难

It is easy for the frugal to become extravagant,
but hard for the lavish to be thrifty.

触 来 莫 与 竞
事 过 心 头 凉

When someone offends you, don't argue with him;
let the thing blow over, and all will be peaceful again.

道 路 各 别
养 家 一 般

There are different roads in life,
but the way to feed a family is generally the same.

道 吾 好 者 是 吾 贼
道 吾 恶 者 是 吾 师

The man who flatters me steals from me;
the man who tells me my faults is my teacher.

得 宠 思 辱
安 居 虏 危

When in high favour, think of your days of disgrace;
in times of peace, be mindful of possible dangers.

点 石 化 为 金
人 心 犹 未 足

Even if stones could be turned into gold by touching,
some men would still be discontented.

读 书 须 用 意
一 字 值 千 金

Study with full concentration; one
word may be worth a thousand pieces of gold.

不 因 渔 夫 引
怎 得 见 波 涛

If there were no fisherman to guide us,
how could we ever see the great waves of the ocean?

Father: You want to learn to play? First, you must learn how to place your counters.

Father: You've have bee learning for two months. Let's have a game.

Father: You've won? A genius, a real genius!

Son: The honour belongs to you. Our ancients used to say: If there were no fishermen to guide us, how could we ever see the great waves of the ocean?

长 江 后 浪 推 前 浪
世 上 新 人 赶 旧 人

As in the Yangtze River the waves behind
propel those in front, so in the human world
each new generation does better that the old.

Pupil: Could you please accept me as your pupil?

Teacher: Yes, certainly.

Pupil: What does this mean?

Teacher: It means...

Teacher: As in the Yangtze River the waves behind propel those in front, so in the human world each new generation does better the old.

常 将 有 日 思 无 日
莫 把 无 时 当 有 时

Be prepared for hard times when your days are good;
do not wait till times are hard and sigh for the good days.

Father: That's no good! Every grain of rice in your bowl is the fruit of toil and sweat.

Son: I've only spilt a little rice on the table. Why make such a fuss about it?

Father: Must we wait until there's nothing to eat to learn how precious each grain is?

不 求 金 玉 重 重 贵
但 愿 儿 孙 个 个 贤

Crave not for money and valuables;
pray only that all your posterity will be morally upright.

Grandson: Granny, I've passed the provincial exams and I'm leaving tomorrow to take up my post at Yanzhou.

Granny: Good! Granny is so happy.

Grandson: Granny, here is a small present for you.

Granny: Granny doesn't care for money or valuables, I only wants my children and grandchildren to be virtuous.

差 之 毫 厘
失 之 千 里

A miss is as good as a mile.

Grandfather: My boy, you must think carefully before you do anything.

Grandson: Why?

Grandfather: Haven't you heard the saying, "A miss is as good as a mile"? A single slip may cause you eternal sorrow.

Adapted by Chen Wangheng & Li Xiaoxiang
Translated by Gong Lizeng & Yang Aiwen

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